When that story hit airwaves, it understandably didn’t sit well with Turner’s OTHER baby mamas, who had no idea that he had so much going on… and by ‘other’ I mean at least 3 more women who heard the story and are all pissed about how they found out.
I’ve discovered a few key facts about the fight Turner broke up last week and it reads like a made for LIFETIME mini movie… and ONE of his baby moms (who happens to be related to a former Atlanta Brave) has been blasting Turner online for almost 2 years now for not seeing their child.
You’ve got to read this to believe it (and it’s a LOOOONG sordid tale!)…
An anonymous source revealed to me that Walker, the mother of 2 of Turners’ kids, is apparently still romantically involved with the Falcons player and on the day of the altercation, she was distraught about finding out that ANOTHER woman had given birth to a Turner baby just two months after she had her 2nd child, who is now five months old.
As reported last week, Walker claims to be pregnant with her 3rd child by Turner.
[Sidebar: I swear umma need a calculator in a minute!]
I’m told Turner didn’t bother to tell Walker about the new baby and she unfortunately found out through mutual friends (or snooping).
Whatever the case, several of Turner’s women found out about each other and it’s alleged that he’s been hiding all his baby mama’s from each other and he now has at LEAST 7 kids by 5 different women!
Walker went to his house that night to confront him about what she’d found out and that’s how she and DelaCruz, the OTHER child’s mom, got into the altercation! [try to keep up…]
Fast forward a few days…
NecoleBitchie comes across yet ANOTHER one of Turner’s baby carriers, who happens to be Maria Grissom, the niece of former Atlanta Braves player Marquis Grissom.
It looks as though Maria was one of the first to attempt to put Turner on blast for his indiscretions by hitting the internet to voice her frustrations.
According to Grissom’s online rants, which she’s been posting online for the world to see for just about the duration of her 2 year old daughter’s life, Turner had at least 4 kids (that she knew of) prior to their daughter’s birth and now she’s just finding out about the two (and possibly one on the way) from Rasheeda, who was involved in the fight in front of Turner’s mansion.
Grisson also says Turner hasn’t bothered to see his daughter in quite some time.
I can tell you better than she can. He going around lying about being single and making kids saying he only has 2. I have a daughter that he don?t see. I hate [that] I am in this situation!
He said he had only 2 kids I didn?t find out about more until I had her. That?s so sad it pisses me off to see him doing Rooms To Go [commercials] around Xmas and he haven?t seen his own kid. I am always trying to tell him treat your kids right they didn?t ask to be here. I just want him to be a better dad. I use to say that to him how you being phony on these commercials you?re don?t even see your own kids.
I was always trying to get him to let them meet but I guess he couldnt keep count on how many he [has]. I asked him why my daughter haven?t met her grandmother because my mother is deceased. This fool said he can?t tell her. I just wanted her to meet his mother but he pretends to his family like the only kids he has is with the Mexican.
That?s why I am hard working, never quit my job, making my own flow so no matter what he do we good. It?s cool I knew his situation he created would soon come to light just didn?t think it would be that kind of drama. I wasn?t going to play with him,once i found out about more kids I had to get her stuff in order. He goes around saying he is single until he create a baby then he run. I think we all just need to pray for him because I clearly think he has a problem.
Grissom has also posted texts she received from Turner’s newest baby mama Elizabeth Delacruz but regardless of all the baby mama drama, says that she won’t turn her daughter against her running back dad:
No matter what he does, he is still her dad and I try to say good thing. I,have his pic up in her room so she can look back when she is older and just see the good.
Thanks to everyone for being positive in this negative situation. We can just all know everything isn?t always what it appears to be. If we want good things to happen we have to do good things right and be there for our kids. Make better choices because Karma is a B.
So my overall assessment is that it’s clearly the “in” thing to be a footballers baby mama these days. Who the hell cares if he gives a dayum about you? As long as you can score a WIN without a condom it’s game on nowadays…
The sad thing about this entire situation is that there are (at least) 7 kids involved who didn’t have a choice in the matter.
It’s easy to throw stones at Turner in this situation and call him the bad guy… the deadbeat dad… or the sperm donor, but where does the responsibility fall for all the women who CHOSE to bear children with a man who clearly wasn’t in it for the long haul?
Did they all REALLY think they were the “one” or was it all about Turner’s NFL dough?